Saturday, June 19, 2010

Collins Epic Wargames Releases Frontline General: Spearpoint 1943

It is my great pleasure to release Frontline General: Spearpoint 1943 by Collins Epic Wargames. After many months developing and playtesting the design with the help of playtesters as far away from us as Italy, I’m confident you will enjoy this fast, tense, and FUN WWII-based card wargame. If you haven’t already ordered, please order through your FLGS, online retailer, or direct from CEW to begin enjoying the action in Spearpoint 1943 right away (MSRP $29.95)!

Please join me at Origins Game Fair 2010 to demo the game and take home a copy of your own! I’ll have plenty on hand next week at the show in Columbus, OH.

If you are one of the many new owners of Spearpoint 1943 in the coming weeks, you’ll want to download all 8 initial Situations from the Spearpoint 1943 downloads section of or the files section of the game's Boardgamegeek page. I recommend playing a few Standard Games before trying the Situations in order to become familiar with the game. If you have any questions on anything, please let me know directly.

As you play, I encourage you to develop and submit your own Situations to CEW. The first 8 are exciting and challenging and I hope they spark some design ideas of your own! With your permission, I’d love to share selected Situations of yours with others through our website or newsletter. More Situations are also on the way.

For those of you who preordered Spearpoint 1943, I thank you very much for your support in advance of production. Without your preorders, production of this game would not have been possible. Your preorder should ship by this coming Tuesday. Also, I want to thank Uwe Eickert (Academy Games) and Mark H. Walker (Lock N’ Load Publishing) for their design insights early in the development of Spearpoint 1943.

The battle for the Frontline begins!


  1. Exciting news indeed, I cant wait to have my pre-ordered copy delivered. Congratulations Byron!

  2. Thanks, Tas!

    Spearpoint Stout a-brewin'?
